Monday, November 7, 2011

Getting back in the blogging game

It's been a while, and a lot has happened in life in the past 6 months since I last posted anything. But, I'll just start from yesterday and keep it simple for myself.
We baby-sat last weekend. A friend of mine was heading to the Big Island for the weekend, and we inherited her 1.5 year old for a couple days. He was pretty lonely for his real Dad, so he basically didn't leave Jonathon's side for the entire time.
Yesterday, Sunday, we headed to our friends after church. They just got some new chicks, and the kids loved it. No suprise there. ;-)

One pooped on Dad.

Super Tex was there.


  1. Fun to see;) Sure miss you! I see Tex still has his Super Hero cape...

  2. Awww your kids are such impressive pet lovers. The one of Texy cuddling up is just precious!

  3. Good to have you back! Does this mean you are finallly feeling better?

  4. I'm so glad that you're blogging again! I've missed hearing about what's going on!
