Saturday, June 19, 2010

Warning...this post is Dirt-E. ;-)

I mean really, who wouldn't have fun trapesing around a taro patch on a saturday morning?Catching baby frogs together...
And washing off in a stream?

Mother nature, you have the corner on the market when it comes to wholesome family fun. I'm so glad we are friends. Thanks for sharing with us today!
We can't wait to do it again soon!


  1. What a hoot!;-) You guys are crazy parents...LOL

  2. that is my kinda fun!!! wanna have a mud bowl?? i do!!!

    where was that? what a great family experience!!!

  3. and looking like ms. skinny legs while you're at it! woohoo! way to go matti! and i must know too- where was this and why? i love it.

  4. Oh my, how fun!! Seriously, you do the most fun things!! =)

  5. YAY thank you. Now I can stay up on your cute little family!!!!
