Thursday, April 25, 2013

Life around here

Is it possible that I have posted nothing since September? That makes me a little sad. That means 7 months have passed, and I have little to say about it.

Only, that isn't true, I have plenty to say about it...I just didn't record much.

Anyway. Moving on. Eben is now 1, Eden 6 and Texton 4...which means my little kids are growing like weeds. Each day a new adventure, especially for the youngest.

His newest trick? Climbing on the table, and giving real kisses. He's been climbing on the table for a couple weeks now, but the kisses started tonight and it was the sweetest cutest thing in the world...says me, his mom. It was so adorable watching him walk back and forth across the floor from me to his daddy to give kisses complete with a real kissing sound. Melted my heart in a gooey puddle of mommyness on the floor. I love watching my babies grow up and pretending I can keep them small forever.

But, they tend to grow up anyway. Like Tex for instance who is now 4. He is an awesome big brother and just the sweetest boy to get to spend my days with. I'll miss him when he's away at pre-school next year. I don't want to let him grow up already, but I want to see him make some friends here. He went to the kid club at my gym today, and when I went in to get him, he was playing a game with the others and his eyes were so sparkly as he grinned and giggled running around with the other kids. It made me happy we left the house this morning. He and I have been home bodies lately. I have been organizing, decorating and de-cluttering A LOT lately. So, he manages his time with a lot of computer games and too many movies. I try to take breaks now and then to read a book with him, one of my favorite activities, or watch him play Ninjago, or build something for Eben to knock over. He always helps unload the dishes and is more than willing to lend a hand with my chores around the house. He's a little angel...who can throw a nasty tantrum when we wants. I love him. Today we ran errands together all day, and he was so patient. We decided to go to Costco for samples because we were hungry, and I offered to call his friend whom we usually meet up with when we go to Costco. He answered, "No Mommy. I just want today to be our day." The sweetest things come from his little lips sometimes. Like on my birthday, when he was standing at the sink washing a few dishes by hand for me to make them "sparkly" of his favorite self-appointed chores. I told him, "Texton, I am so lucky to have you for my boy" which he replied, "That's because I am so lucky to have you for my mommy."

And then there is Eden. My dichotomous child who resembles Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide most days of the week. Right now we are exploring the worlds of lying, stealing, and extreme boy craziness....and it is exhausting.

She definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I'm pretty sure she couldn't muster one ounce of sweetness all morning, which meant I spent most of the morning ignoring her and walking away. I try not to get into it with her, and just ignore her when she is like that. On the way to school, we talked about doing something nice for someone else to help fill her bucket up and she told me "I can't fill up my bucket. My bucket is crushed." Oh, she is so dramatic sometimes and it sure keeps things interesting around here. Luckily, I was able to keep my own composure long enough to get her to school fed and on time without pulling my hair out so I could send her off with a hug and a kiss and a smile on my own face, even if I couldn't drag one out of her. Unfortunately, there are plenty of mornings where I am not so composed and run around like a bossy drill sergeant. I don't like those mornings.

Eden can be quite sweet when she wants to be. She was still acting pretty grumpy when I picked her up from school, but after I sent her to her room for about 20 minutes, she came out in a better attitude so we could hang out together for a bit while the boys were sleeping. She showed me how to mix sidewalk chalk colors and then I pushed her on the swing for a bit. It makes me sad knowing her little girl days are numbered. I don't like fighting with her, and I hope we don't fight much as she grows up...but she is a strong willed little child who wants to learn everything the hard way and do it all herself, especially the things you tell her not to do.

My favorite thing she has done recently was to make me my very own tea party for my birthday with water, and the popcorn and cookies a friend had delivered earlier. It was so sweet and wonderful to spend time on the lawn with her that afternoon while the boys were sleeping.

So many days are challenging for me as a stay at home mother. I feel like I am terrible at cleaning, not because I don't do it...but because I spend 4 hours a day doing it, and by the end of the night it looks like a tornado hit it anyway. It drives me a little crazy, and I start feeling like things would be better off if I just got a job somewhere. But, tonight I know I wouldn't miss spending my days with my kiddos for the world...and I am grateful I can have it that way.

1 comment:

  1. You're a wonderful mommy with wonderful stories! Thank you for posting! I love getting little updates of my favorite family. xo.j.
