Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Only a Kid Born in a Hawaii

Pretty sure many kids wouldn't want a cockroach as a pet....but Tex isn't most kids.

He found this guy in the house today. He brought him over to show me his missing leg. I suggested he "put him in the toilet".  When Tex looked at me in utter disgust, I alternatively suggested, "You can take him outside then. Cockroaches just don't belong in houses."

"Oh! Cockroaches are supposed to be outside and not in houses?" (I love that he repeats just about everything I say.)

So, out he and his new friend went. 2 seconds later Tex came in screaming, "His leg grew back! It's a miracle!!!" He brought his over to show me and tried for a few minutes to get his new pet to show me his new trick on his miracle leg.

4 year old Tex's are awesome.

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