So, since neither of those will happen maybe ever, I'll just get on with it.
Now, to talk about something that matters. My kids. And they are growing up to stinking fast. And it makes me excited, and it also makes me sad. Just the other day I was walking through ShopKo, and passed the school supplies section. I felt my chest get tighter with just a little anxiety as I thought about my baby girl starting kindergarten. Those kids better be nice to her is all I have to say. I'm so nervous about the day she comes home with her first broken heart.
So far living in Utah has been pretty good to us. We get lots and lots of chances to play with cousins and have already had a chance to visit with several Hawaiian friends. It's really been great. And knowing my own parents are just a 12 hour drive away is kind of nice. If only they still lived up the street, I could say life here would be perfect....well, if my brothers and their kids were here too THEN life would be nearly perfect. And all my favorite friends that I have met in the last 30 years of life, THEN life would be pretty darn perfect.
So, I'll catch up a bit on these babies of mine. Youngest to oldest. I can never get enough of this baby boy. He is just so sweet to be around. I love to hear him laugh, and he loves to laugh and squak and scream as loud as he can. He wakes up so happy every morning. His bright face and big blue eyes are so eager to start each new day. About a week ago he discovered his feet and he loves to reach for them. He just about to roll over. For about 2 weeks now he makes it a good 90 percent of the way, but he still hasn't flopped to his front. That's ok. I'm in no hurry. Just excited for him because he wants to be up and running with his brother and sister so much.
I love the way he smacks his lips and blows bubbles every time after he's done nursing. Well, just about every time. It's the cutest thing. He's actually doing it in his sleep right now next to me.
OK, he just woke up.
And just as he woke up, his older brother walked out of his room from his nap.
So, TEX...seen below diving off the diving board. Yes, he is crazy and fearless like that.
The other day I received a funny text and I laughed out loud. He looked up at me and said, "I like it when you laugh, Mommy." It melted my heart. Today we went to McDonalds after running a quick errand and split a treat. Chocolate sundae. He's a great date. I love getting to spend time with my boy. And there will be lots of it soon when this little lady starts Kindergarten in a few short weeks.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I can't even tell you. I am so not ready for this change to happen. I'm really just not. Hopefully I'll get used to it though. Because, otherwise, I am going to be a basket case at the end of the first week of school.
Tonight I enjoyed snuggling next to you My Little Eden as you made up silly jokes before bed time. Things that made absolutely no sense at all, but you sure thought you were hillarious. And you were. And I'm going to miss these days so much when you are grown up. I don't know how you changed so quickly from my little baby to the girl you have become today. I truly appreciate what a helper you are to me. I loved teaching you how to fold blankets today, and then watching you and Tex try to fold anything you could get your hands on for the next 20 minutes. And you are such a great baby sitter for me when I need an extra hand with Eben. I still remember the day when he was just a few weeks old, and I asked you to hold him for me while I put Tex down for his nap. I'd come out of the room every few minutes to check and make sure you were ok. Anytime Eben got a little fussy you were able to calm him down. And even got him to take a binky. Something I was never able to do. I went back in the room to finish Tex's story and nap routine, and by the time I came out I was pleasantly surprised to see you sitting there holding your baby brother sound asleep. You have a magical way about you. You are one spunky girl, and though you sass at time drives me crazy, I hope you keep your determined edge. I sometimes secretly hate telling you that "no" is the final answer and there is no point to asking your Dad because I already said no. I don't want to squelch that determination you have been blessed with. Learn how to be determined for the right goals in this life, and I know you will go far.
The other thing I've enjoyed about you lately is hearing about your dreams when you wake up. You are so excited to tell me. I remember a month ago when you told me about how you almost drowned, but then a family of seals saved you and you got to swim around with them and how much you loved it. Or the other night when you dreamed you were like Merlia the Barbie Mermaid. And that you could breath and talk underwater. You are a true mermaid at heart. You amaze me in the water the way you flip around, and the other day when you were jumping off the high dive. And your crazy brother too. You were a bit more graceful, and his crazy ways almost gave me a heart attack each time he bounced off the end of the diving board. But, the 2 of you are fearless and make such a fun team. I hope you will always be friends.
Well, I better get this posted. It's 12:30. And I have a lot of sleep to catch up on. I think I have dealt with puking kids for the past 2 weeks. Many many many long and late nights scrubbing carpets, or just sleeping next to you making sure you made it to the bucket. I'm not sure how, but you have both had your turn twice with the flu or some other stomach bug, and I have seen and smelled enough throw up for a while thank you very much. Though Eben is a whole other story with his constant drewling and spit up. But I'm not complaining. I'd take spit up and puke everyday if I had to, as long as it meant I still get to be your Mom.
I'm looking forward to spending the day with you tomorrow. And even though I don't wake up with the same eagerness and anticipation in my face as your baby brother, Eben, does....please know I look forward to each and everyday and little adventure I get to experience with you kiddos. I love you so much.
Hello Matild- just stopping by to say I love you.