I can't believe you are already 7 weeks. Well, actually you are like 20 weeks....but when I wrote this you were 7.
I remember giving the kids extra hugs and cuddles that night knowing that our family would change in the morning. I remember putting Tex to bed as my baby one last time knowing that he would look so much bigger to me when I came home with you from the hospital.
I think we stayed up till 12:30 or 1 in the morning making sure everything would be ready to go by 5:30 in the morning when we woke up to head off to the hospital.
I had been suffering from a TERRIBLE cold the week before you came. My lungs felt like they were on fire all day long. The only time I felt like I could breath was during the 10 minute steamy shower I would take a night. Eventually I let your Dad talk me into him buying a face steamer for me. I would sit watching Bones at night with Grandma and Grandpa Parker with my face breathing in the steam....I should have had someone take a photo for me.
And the 10 weeks before you were born, I had a broken foot. I still remember running out to meet my friend Melissa to go for our morning swim. I was running as fast as I could since I was late getting out of the house that morning. I tripped on the mud and fell right in front of her van. I heard the snap of my foot. I hoped it was my ankle, but when Melissa and I looked at my foot, we could tell it was broken. The next 10 weeks it was often quite hard to get around using a wheel chair and a walker, and sharing my belly with you inside it. The 1st week wasn't too physically uncomfortable, then suddenly you had a growth spurt. And it seemed you had one almost week after week. After 6 long weeks of being in a wheel chair or walker, I could finally put a little weight on my foot and use crutches.
Anyway, I tell you all of this, because as hard as it was to have a broken foot while being pregnant with you. I felt like it was something we went through together. You were literally the one with me every step and hop that I took. I felt like you were always in there cheering me on and pushing me a little further. I would often sit and just rub my belly, thinking about how exciting it was going to be when I finally would get to meet you.
So finally the morning of February 9th came, and your Dad and I headed for the hospital, with me still in my walking boot. I think we were supposed to have me checked in by 6 because my surgery was scheduled for 7. We got a little lost trying to find Labor and Delivery. My first nurse was nice. I remember her husband was in the military and that she had 3 kids herself, though her spacing between them wasn't so close. I always wanted to have you kids close together, in hopes that you will be better friends growing up.
We waited for what seemed like a very short bit and suddenly it was 7 already. My Dr. came in and I loved this Doctor. I felt like Heavenly Father had hand picked him for me literally. Before we moved from Hawaii, I could barely handle the thought of having to pick a new Dr. out of a hat. Though I was nervous to use my Hawaii Dr. for a 3rd surgery, she did do a great job helping me get Eden and Texton here to Earth. I'd pray every night that I would pick a good Dr. who could help me to get you here safely, and if possible allow me to have one more...just in case one day we decide to make you a big brother. ;-) Though, I have a lot to get used to having 3 kids. It feels like the more kids you have the faster time goes. Maybe time just goes faster the older you get, but I swear, the more kids you have the faster it goes too.
Anyway, finally I
But like I said, I felt confident and comfortable and blessed with the Dr. that I had found and was pretty sure everything was going to go all right.
I sat on the table and got my spinal block, and for the first time ever it didn't really hurt. The team got me all prepped for surgery and shortly after your Dad was in the room with me and it was time to take you out. Going through a c section for the 3rd time was interesting cause I knew exactly when they were getting to the grand Finale when you come out. I felt the same pressure and pushing I had felt before and suddenly I heard your voice for the first time gargallly at first an then loud and clear. (I feel like I should mention that I am typing this at 6:40 AM with you lying on my chest, it's so fun to snuggle you. I'm hoping you will sleep long enough for me to finish).
That first day or 2 you sure seemed pretty mad to have been removed from your warm and cozy home. I didn't recall hearing so much crying from my other newborns. I felt a little inadequate and was worried how I would handle having 2 kids and a fussy baby. But it seemed that after 2 days you were feeling more comfortable in your new surroundings and you knew I was going to take care of you.
You had several visitors the first day. Grandma Bonnie was waiting in my room when I came back from surgery with you. Breanna swung by during a break from school. She was the one who pointed out the dimple in your chin. Somehow I hadn't noticed it. It was probably the drugs they had me on. I was pretty loopy the first day and in and out of consciousness a bit.
Eventually Eden and Tex got to come see you. And I sill remember their little faces coming into the room bright, excited, and amazed as they could be and Eden in her high pitch voice saying ever so sweetly. "Hi buddy!" It was love at first sight. And they still are in love with you. It's been hard to keep them off you, but necessary to try to keep you healthy.
On Sunday we got to come home with you... in a snow storm. It was hard to imagine we had been in Hawaii just 3 short weeks before.
The kids were so excited to have us home, and like I said, that hasn't changed. I'm excited for us to spend this life together as a family. I'm so happy that you have a fun loving silly older brother who loves to be around you to touch your face and can't wait till you are old enough to play with him and a very sweet older sister. She loves to hold you whenever I will let her. She always remembers to put her hand sanitizer on before coming near you...well, 93% of the time.
We all love you so much. And of course words cannot say how much I love you, but maybe the many nights I am up with you and hopefully our lives together will show you how much we love you, our sweet baby, Eben.
Love forever,
HORRAY! You're back!