Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Following My Mom's footsteps...

I've fallen off the blog bandwagon for a few weeks. I have been trying to get back into it over the past few days.

But, this month my mom took up the challenge to blog something about each letter of the alphabet. Each day, a new letter.

She is already on the letter I. But, I'll go ahead and start with A today.

A is for AWESOME! My kids are awesome. And being their mother is awe-some. Today, I was reading a friends blog. And in her "about me" section she simply stated, "My husband works for [yadda yadda] and I am a stay-at-home Mom to [my kids]." And it hit me. I am a stay-at-home Mom. That is my job. I choose each day to stay home with Eden and Tex. And they are the most important people to me. Aside from my husband of course. Because without his willingness to bring home ALL the bacon, I couldn't stay home with my awesome kids.

I have been in a funk lately. I assume it's hormonal imbalance which causes depression sometimes. Making me often feel like a failure. And I don't share any of this with you to make you feel bad for me, or worry about me. I just assume you might have noticed. So, I thought I might mention here that I am feeling a lot better lately. I am feeling a lot more mE! ;-) And today, I think my kids are AWESOME! And I am glad that is it ME who gets to stay home each day with them.

Not that you need anymore photos to prove how great my kids are, but here you go anyway! I just found these good oldies!


  1. Hey Matti! Thanks for your really nice comment on my blog, that meant alot to me :) I also get in "funks" sometimes and have a hard time getting out of them.

    I don't know why but sometimes staying at home with the kids is the most OVERWHELMING thing ever, but then they do something that makes it the greatest thing I've ever done. I also have days where I'm like, no one one cares what I get done (or don't get done) throughout the day with the kids. That's really hard sometimes to get no appreciation or now acknowledgement for all the blood, sweat and tears we put into taking care of our kids.

    I am so happy that you are enjoying yourself right now and feeling better. I have my ups and downs and thankfully today was an up :) We had such a great day today playing, bike ride, hanging out with Rob, etc. Mother's day was a up at 5:30AM, screaming, crying, fussing, etc....and I felt like a failure and ready to quit the day by 7:30AM :)

    I wish we lived closer so we could hang out and have our kids play together, but I'm glad we can keep in touch this way!

  2. Such cute pictures as usual;-) btw...when I think of you, "failure" would be the last word that would come to mind! In fact here is another "A" word. You are so ACCOMPLISHED with so many things. Love you kiddo, you are AWESOME!!!

  3. You are definitely not a failure...I think we all feel like that sometimes. I always feel uplifted when reading your blog and that I need to be more like you!! So keep up the good work!! =)
