Thursday, January 28, 2010

Just so you know...

We are back! And I have some cute photos to prove that I survived yet another single Mom flight. 2 kids in towe with 2 car seats, 1 stroller, 2 luggage (1 carried on 1 checked-good idea mom)...where was I? Oh yes. My purse, Eden's purse, and my fanny pack.

It was a L.O.n.G 6.5 hour flight. The kids fared pretty well. Eden actually slept 2 hours. Tex a measily 30 minutes. But thanks to the sweet people surounding our seat assignment...we made it through rather pleasantly I'd say.

Since the nifty gadget I use to upload photos is still packed away, I can't entertain your eyes at the moment. Just your brains while you read. ;-)

But, as I type this it's 6:43...both kids are in bed. And one girl and her Daddy are still snuggling in her precious.

We miss you mainland family, but it's good to be back together with Daddy again. Flying solo with 2 kiddos is no easy task, but when you get to have so much fun with great family on the's worth it. Miss you guys!


  1. You are such a brave woman!! I dare to fly with one...but when #2 comes along I don't think I will dare. =)

    Sorry I've been in a commenting slump...I promise to be better. =)

  2. Wow, you really are brave. I can't imagine how hard that would be. I'm glad you had a good time though!

  3. You did amazing on the flight! I'm too nervous to do that long of a flight without Jordan. Beckham is crazy and will not sit still anymore. By the way..the clothes are still at Jordan's parents house. We were already flying home when you called. I can get them back the next time we are in Utah or I can have somebody in Jordan's family take them over if they need them back soon. You need to post some pics!
