The boy with the vocabulary that is suddenly BOOMING. I'm pretty sure you are learning multiple words a day. For instance yesterday, when the neighbor showed us a box he found under his house with a whole farm of huge cockroaches in it. I said, "Whoa, that's gross." Too which you quite quick wittingly responded "Yucky!!" Or the other day when I was changing your stinky diaper and you kept repeating, "Yucky yuck! Yucky yuck!"
It's fun to watch you run around the house with the camera in your hands saying "Cheeeese" as you point the camera in our direction.
Or just tonight, when you got out of the shower, ran outside where I keep your spare diapers and said, "Diaper!" You are just tooooo smart little one.
There are now so many words you will say. Gamma, gampa, ball, uh-oh, wow-ee, baby, blankee, all done. Or yesterday, when I pulled up Netflix to put on a movie. You pointed and said "E-Ago!" And you were right! You know sounds of so many animals...though your favorite noise seems to be a growl. I only assume that since I hear you growling a good 30% of the day.
And I don't want to forget the way you climbed out of your own crib 20 times yesterday while Dad and I tried and tried to get you down for a nap. Eventually I gave in, laid on the floor with you, and let you fall asleep on my chest.
You are always up for a dance party, and I now know your favorite song is Baby by Justin Bieber. It's so cute to hear you sing it.
You always have been, and probably always will be my little dare devil, climbing, standing, and jumping off things you probably shouldn't....
It's so cute to watch you point to things as you excitedly exclaim, "Look!" Or repeat after anything I say. You love to look at photos of anyone in the family and tell me who is in the picture. And the way you think Eden is hilarious.
You and Eden seem to both share the same extreeeeeeeme love for animals, and it is quite cute. No dog can walk down the road, unpetted by the two of you. And the kitties that roam our yard know they will always have a friend here.
Your full of love and you love to help clean. I think sweeping is your chore of choice. And wiping comes in at a very close second. You can't help but pick up that broom whenever you see it. Though often it quickly turns into a weapon. And whenever you see a bag of wipes on the ground, it doesn't take long for you to figure out how to get one out and start wiping down the cupboards and walls for me.
I can't believe how much you have grown and changed just in the past few weeks little guy. It is all soooo fun and soooo exciting for me. I can't even begin to say how blessed my life is to have you in it. Or how much our family wouldn't be complete without you. We loooooooooooooove you!!!
Such a sweet tribute to such a sweet little guy:)