Thursday, November 25, 2010

Day 2 Meaning behind my blog name

Meaning behind my blog name... Ok - How long can I make a short story? I don't feel I am as eloquent as many of you.

I think I may have wrote about this when I changed my blog name. Originally it was called "A Wiggle Worm" which I still like that name. But, I had named that blog after Eden (who was our wiggle worm when she was a baby.) And after I had Tex I felt bad having family something named after our first child and not including him in it.

So. I thought about what to change my name to for a while. Then one day while at church we sung the Hymn There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today. And the words to the song just really kind of stuck out to me.

There is Sunshine in my soul today

more glorious and bright

than glows in any earthly sky

for Jesus is my light

Oh there's sunshine

blessed sunshine

when the peaceful happy moments roll

When Jesus shows his smiling face

There is sunshine in my soul

I have always had this song as one of my favorites, in addition to the song Scatter Sunshine.

Basically I really really like the sun. And who doesn't? I imagine we all start feeling a little gloomy after not seeing the sun for a day or 2...or more. And just imagine how warm and wonderful it feels on your skin when it finally comes out again.
Well, like I said. It was the last line that stuck out to me most. When Jesus shows his smiling face, there is sunshine in my soul. And I feel like my savior, Jesus Christ, shows his love for me daily through his tender mercies, and all the blessings that he has placed in my life daily. My husband and kids, my family and friends, a good recipe, a funny story... So, the meaning of my blog title to me is that there is Sunshine in my soul. Whether the sun is shining outside or not, I want to find a way to find and share the sunshine that is in my soul. So my blog to me is a way to share with anyone who cares to read about the things that bring my soul hopes of putting a little sunshine in your soul too.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 1

Day 1-Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Photo by Eden the night of our 6th wedding anniversary)

Do they have to specify interesting? It puts so much more pressure on me whiel writing this list.

1. I have only paid someone to cut my hair a small handfull of times. My Mom spoiled me with free hair cuts growing up, and since then I have had a hard time trusting anyone...especially paying anyone.

2. I was once in a production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.

3. Though I have genetically produced 2 children, I have never had 1 labor pain. Both kids scheduled c sections.

4. My passport has stamps or visas to England, Turkey, Switzerland, Armenia, Bulgaria, and even the Republic of Georgia.

5. I used to always bite my nails growing up. Then, without even trying to quit I just stopped as soon as I moved to Hawaii. It was weird.

6. I had an obsession for shopping at Ross or the clearance rack at Bananna Republic and buying fancy fine jewelry when I was young and had nothing better to spend my money on.

7. I have this random dark hair that grows on my collar bone that appears every so often. I try to remember to pull it out as to not emberass myself (so why am I sharing this?). But the other day I forgot and my poor niece's boyfriend tried to grab it thinking it was an eyelash. I was too embarrassed to say anything. Had I been a little more quick whited, I'd have told him "You are gonna need to pull a little harder than that."

8. When I was younger I died my hair and bleached it as often as the changing months or seasons. But, I have not colored my hair once in the past 3 years.

9. I'm a morning person. But can also be a night owl.

10. I usually can't keep my mouth closed when I see people being overly mean, abusive or rude to their children.

11. I was on the front page of the town newspaper when I was in Kindergarten

12. When I was younger, my standards were so high that I wouldn't kiss more than 1 guy withing a 24 hour period. (I actually did once and felt terrible about it.)

13. I am certified to teach in Hawaii Elementary schools

14. I've gone sky diving over the ocean, rode in a hot air balloon, and been scuba diving

15. I twice spent hundreds of dollars to start up my own Mary Kay consulting business. I hated selling stuff, so I never sold a thing (except maybe a thing or 2 to my mom). And I sold my entire inventory for half off at my moving sale before moving to Hawaii...and gave the rest to family.

30 Day Challenge

My friend is doing this on her blog and it looks fun...and even a little challenging too. But, I think I'll give it a try.

30 Day ChallengeEach day of the month, write a blog post according to these guidelines below:

Day 1-Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 2-The meaning behind your Blog name
Day 3-A picture of you and your friends
Day 4-A habit that you wish you didn't have
Day 5-A picture of somewhere you've been to
Day 6-Favorite super hero and why
Day 7-A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 8-Short term goals for this month and when you'll accomplish them
Day 9-Something you're proud of in the past few days
Day 10-Songs you listen to when you're bored, happy, sad, mad, hyped
Day 11-Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12-How you found out about blogger and why you have one
Day 13-A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14-'A picture of you and your family
Day 15-Put your ipod or shuffle on-first 10 songs that play
Day 16-Another picture of yourself
Day 17-Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18-Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19-Nicknames you have and why you have them
Day 20-Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future
Day 21-A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22-What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23-Something you crave for a lot
Day 24-A letter to your parents
Day 25-What I would find in your bag
Day 26-What do you think about your friends
Day 27-Why you are doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28-A picture of you from last year and now-how have you changed?
Day 29-In this past month, what have you learned?
Day 30-Your favorite song

A new treat!

Our backyard has a fun new tree in it. Well, actually it's our neighbors, but they let us pick whatever ends up on our side of the fence. Eden is good about keeping her eye out for new crops. The kids love this star fruit! Mmmmm - They are sooo huge, juicy, and delicious! Oh we love you!

It's just too bad you are so darn far away from family.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pay-Back Time

When Eden was just about Tex's age she had an OBSESSION with hair. Just ask Deli Jorgensen! Eden just grabbed at her pony tails left and right.

Well, it seems that brother has also inherited the same desire (albeit not obsession) with hair pulling. And Eden is usually his target.

But, the cute thing about it is how he tries so hard to make up for it after the incident and a time-out. He just hugs and hugs her and says, "orry, orry". It's pretty darn sweet, though Eden hasn't found the sweetness in it yet.

See for yourself.

A busy busy day

Poor Tex.
It's hard to wake up at 6 am, and shop at Savers with your Mamma and her friend till 2 in the afternoon AND still run errands at Costco with no time for a nap in between. What a good baby boy.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

No pictures, but still a good story for the Grandma's and the record book

I was soooooo proud of Eden this afternoon. We went to the Dr. to get the kids their flu shots for the season.

As we were getting to the office, I was preparing Eden. I told her she was going to get 2 pokeys, and Tex was getting one. (Eden needed a DTap booster too)

So, I explained that Tex would get his shots first, and that he would probably cry. But that's just because he is little. And that though shots hurt a little bit, babies usually cry a lot.

Just before the Dr. called us in Ede started looking pretty nervous sitting there on the bench. At one point she looked over at me with a very concerned look on her face and told me, "I'm not so sure about this."

Finally we went back to our room. Eden's weight was taken...a whopping 33 even. Ha! I swear Tex is 35.

Anyway, while we waited in the room, she and I practiced pinching each other. I told her it would feel like a little pinch, and then the pain would stop. So I would pinch her, and she would pinch me back. She was starting to perk up just a bit.

The nurse came in and asked, "Who is first?" Eden quickly responded before I could, "I am! I am the most brave. I want to show Tex that it's okay."

She sat in the chair, flinched a quarter inch each time she was stuck with a needle, and held her breath. But not a peep. She was a champ!

Next it was Tex's turn. He sat on my lap, let out quite a little squirm and wail when he was stuck, but as soon as it was over, that was it! Not a cry out of either of them.

But, I was quite touched by Eden's bravery and desire to be brave for her little brother. She really is a sweet sweet big sister.

Afterwords, we celebrated at Angel's ice cream with a chocolate chip mint cone for both of 'em! I wish I had a camera to take a picture of those cute little blondies grinning from ear to ear as green ice cream dribbled down their chins. I just love those 2!

Something fun about living here

Random monk seals showing up on the beach across the street from your house. When we finally move, I will definitely miss this.

**Side note about these pictures: The top photo Eden took. And the dress Eden is wearing, Eden picked out herself, and put on herself. This morning I said, "Eden. Time to get dressed, we are going to run some errands this morning." She jumped up, ran to her room, and closed the door. I peeked in. She told me, "Mom. I'm okay. I can do it myself." And she emerged with this little number. Needed just a little help with the buttons, and it's on backwards...but she is definitely growing up on me.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hey Hey There BIIIIIG Guy!!!

Yes...I am talking to you. The one with the big big enchanting blue-green eyes, and blond curly hair.

The boy with the vocabulary that is suddenly BOOMING. I'm pretty sure you are learning multiple words a day. For instance yesterday, when the neighbor showed us a box he found under his house with a whole farm of huge cockroaches in it. I said, "Whoa, that's gross." Too which you quite quick wittingly responded "Yucky!!" Or the other day when I was changing your stinky diaper and you kept repeating, "Yucky yuck! Yucky yuck!"

It's fun to watch you run around the house with the camera in your hands saying "Cheeeese" as you point the camera in our direction.

Or just tonight, when you got out of the shower, ran outside where I keep your spare diapers and said, "Diaper!" You are just tooooo smart little one.

There are now so many words you will say. Gamma, gampa, ball, uh-oh, wow-ee, baby, blankee, all done. Or yesterday, when I pulled up Netflix to put on a movie. You pointed and said "E-Ago!" And you were right! You know sounds of so many animals...though your favorite noise seems to be a growl. I only assume that since I hear you growling a good 30% of the day.

And I don't want to forget the way you climbed out of your own crib 20 times yesterday while Dad and I tried and tried to get you down for a nap. Eventually I gave in, laid on the floor with you, and let you fall asleep on my chest.

You are always up for a dance party, and I now know your favorite song is Baby by Justin Bieber. It's so cute to hear you sing it.

You always have been, and probably always will be my little dare devil, climbing, standing, and jumping off things you probably shouldn't....

It's so cute to watch you point to things as you excitedly exclaim, "Look!" Or repeat after anything I say. You love to look at photos of anyone in the family and tell me who is in the picture. And the way you think Eden is hilarious.

You and Eden seem to both share the same extreeeeeeeme love for animals, and it is quite cute. No dog can walk down the road, unpetted by the two of you. And the kitties that roam our yard know they will always have a friend here.

Your full of love and you love to help clean. I think sweeping is your chore of choice. And wiping comes in at a very close second. You can't help but pick up that broom whenever you see it. Though often it quickly turns into a weapon. And whenever you see a bag of wipes on the ground, it doesn't take long for you to figure out how to get one out and start wiping down the cupboards and walls for me.

I can't believe how much you have grown and changed just in the past few weeks little guy. It is all soooo fun and soooo exciting for me. I can't even begin to say how blessed my life is to have you in it. Or how much our family wouldn't be complete without you. We loooooooooooooove you!!!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Some goooooood times with my girl

Lately, Eden and I have been having a lot of fun together. Maybe it's her age, maybe I am trying harder. Maybe Tex's new nap schedule gives us some time to hang out just the 2 of us. But whatever the reason, we are having loads of fun together.

Yesterday while Tex was napping she and I had fun practicing the numbers 1,2, and 3 together. We drew them, we counted things. We made our own gold fish game and played it over and over.

Today, before falling asleep together during quiet time, she asked me to read her my scriptures. So, I read the whole fist chapter of Nephi trying as I went along to read it in a language that made more sense to her. It actually started to make a lot more sense to me too as I read.

And last week we had a few other great times. Like the afternoon we were in Kaneohe, and I couldn't decide if we should drive home, go to the mall, or what...since Tex had just fallen asleep. Just then we drove by Orange of my favorite frozen yogurt joints. Jack pot! In we went, and had too much fun taste testing while Tex napped, and we enjoyed our creations.

After our frozen yogurt, Eden asked if we could go for a walk. So, we ended up across the street at the Kaneohe library. She sat in the Keiki corner at a table to read her books by herself, and I went to the cookbook section to find something for myself. A few moments later I heard a woman saying, "Is there a Matti around here? Matti?" I turned the corner, and saw the lady with Eden. Apparently Eden needed to go to the bathroom so she found a mom who could help her find me.

After we checked out our books, and started walking back to the car, Eden just had to roll down the big hill. And I just had to let myself let her. I feel like lately I have been in a rush. And I don't even know what I have been rushing to do? Or maybe it's a desperate attempt to always be in control. I don't know, but I felt quite content to let go and watch her roll down and down and down that hill...just being the crazy kid she is.

And just this last week, she and I decided we wanted to eat at Surfin' Tacos as we were driving home from the play ground. But, once we got unloaded and inside, I realized I didn't have my wallet. So, we had to head home. But, luckily there was just enough in my purse to buy a side of pico and surf sauce dressing.
We headed home, put Tex down for his nap, and started to make tortillas from scratchand turned it into our own Surfin Tacos salad. And it turned out almost as muy muy delicioso as my time with Eden was.

A month of Halloween

Let me just start by saying time flies when you are having fun...and this month there was nooooo shortage of fun. No wonder it's already Nov 2!! (And in 10 more minutes it will be Nov 3!)

First off...Pumpkin patch! (Which you have seen...been there, done that) Next I wanted to get an early start on costumes. Eden decided she wanted to be a pink dinosaur...she is quite into dinosaurs these days. And Tex, I wanted to make him a Lolly Pop Guild boy. His hair always looks like this when he gets out of the shower.

But, when we went to the store to start piecing together Eden's costume, and look at fabric and such...she decided she wanted to be - Minnie Mouse, then Dorothy, and finally settled on Cinderella.

We found a great dress at Savers, only problem was it was a size 8-10. But, thanks to my mending and sewing skills, and safety pinning skills, it easily went from 8-10 to a 4t. ;-)

Then, I kinda lost the creative bug somewhere along the way, and decided to borrow the neighbors super cute skeleton costume. Tex is very into growling these days. Have I told you? Well, I'd say he made a pretty stinkin' adorable growling skeleton

The kids got a fun Halloween suprise in the mail from Grandma Parker. Eden and I had a great time digging through it, reading the Halloween stories, playing with the "wootch" Barbie doll, and eating the melted peeps, and decorating the house while Tex was napping... Sorry guy, you know what they say? Snooze ya loose buddy. ;-) But don't worry, really there was still plenty of fun to be had when he woke up. And a stuffed bat just for him. Can't find a photo though, I wonder if I accidenally deleted it.

We decided it might be fun to scare our kids to death and take them to the Haunted Lagoon ride at the PCC. Eden handled it fine in the beginning. She was even happy to pose with this scary lady.

But, once we got in line and took this photo with these lovely sights, all courage was lost.

But, being the good parents we are, we got on that canoe with those kids anyway, and they both handled it just fine. And ever since, I am proud to say...Tex is NOT a scaredy cat anymore. Everything use to frighten that boy. But on Halloween night, he gave this guy a high 5.
I tell you, before that ride - such an event would NOT have happened.

We had fun one night at the Library. Eden watched the story teller quietly wih dad,
while Tex and I hung out in the keiki book corner. And every now and then Tex would run off chasing some 8 year old boy down while growling at him.

The night after that was the ward trunk or treat, with great carnival games,
spaghetti dinner, and trunk or treating! The kids baby sitter was there, dressed as a wootch (as Eden would call her) most people pronounce it "witch".
She was wearing a great long cape that the kids had fun hiding in all night long. Making it difficult for them to finish more than 3 bites of spaghetti dinner. But, a Halloween party is meant for filling up on candy anyway...right? Right!

And finally, we went out with a bang on Halloween night. We trecked our kids around town for over 2 hours I think. (However, our more responsible friends had their kids washed and tucked into bed long before we were half way through with our evening of begging)Did you know that besides the fun, giggles, silly times and snuggles kids are good for...they are also good for tax breaks, and loads and loads of free candy!

Thanks guys! A job well done. ;-) Can't wait to do it all over again with you next year!