Thursday, April 1, 2010

Goodness. time to catch up

I haven't posted much lately. I have been filling my brain and time with decorating ideas, decorating blogs, and emptying the crizzy out from our place. And I'm lovin' it!

Actually, that's not true. I haven't been loving it. The process... I kinda really don't like. It stresses me out. My mind won't shut off. I can't stop checking craigslist like a maniac every 30 minutes. And you never know what people are going to call their you have to try a billion searches. And then, just when you think you are going to love a piece, and you measured the wall, and started dreaming up all the fun things you will do...someone else snatches it up from you!

But, when the room starts coming together? Love it!

Anyway, that's not the point of this post. I wanted to take a moment to catch up on Tex's final birthday photos. So that I can post about my birthday. Because in a week and a half...this little cheeky monkey will be 3!!!

So, to finish up my memories of Tex's first birthday (and I still can't believe that this day has already up and gone *tear*)

I was thinking about having friends over sunday evening. But it just didn't happen. I didn't go to the store to buy any cake or cake baking materials. just didn't happen. We really do love you friends, and I know you all would have loved to celebrated Tex's 1st with us. I hope you don't take offense that we didn't throw him a party, and that we were stingy and kept him all to ourselves.

That said, I found a recipe for a Wacky Cake. You basically make it with any sort of flour, oil, and baking soda, and coco. I didn't have coco, so we substituted carob powder. And I'm a nutrition baking natzi, so we only had wheat flour. And I'm not a fan for oil in we substituted apple sauce.

Eden and I had a good time together. She is really into helping me in the kitchen these days.

Once you glopped on some Duncan Heinz frosting, sprinkles, m&m's, and a tasted pretty good! ;-) Actually, even without the frosting it wasn't half bad. See for yourself!!

Actually, Tex was a little hesitant. He stared at it a while. After a few minutes, I squished his chubby little hand in the cake to get a little frosting on his he could try a little taste. He tasted a bit of frosting, but still was a little hesitant to dive right in.

Eden had no hesitation however...she knew right what to do!

But, it didn't take long for Tex to catch on.
Before long the cake looked like this....
and my living room like this...

Scrub a dub dub...put the Birthday Boy in the Tub!!!
It was great!!! We love you our little Mr. T, Mr. man., TK, Chunky boy, little fella, Texy Mexy... Happy Birthday Brother!!!


  1. Cute...I could almost taste the cake;-)

  2. birthday boy in the tub and demolishing his cake is so precious!!

  3. Awwwww, so cute. The cake looks SUPER YUMMY!! Love the pics of you guys cooking it. =)
