Monday, March 29, 2010

Looking for a space to rent temporarily...

Not me. Just some friends who are visiting. I guess they would rather not stay with us and our crazy 2 kids. And they would rather pay you (or your friend) to rent your place for a week-ish. April 22nd-26th to be exact. Maybe in Laie, hauula, kahuku,...surrounding areas.

Anyone planning to be away from their abode those days? Or maybe you know someone who wants to rent their space for a few days? 2 adults. Send me a message if you do. Thanks!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

This little guy

Just melts my heart. He's always putting something around his neck. Funny little fella.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

A little update on the day to day...

This boy....walks...and walks and walks.

It was pretty cute. A few weeks ago we had happy school at our house. He watched the kids running around in amazement. He tried his little darndest to be like them. He'd take 3 steps, fall, and get right back up again...all day long. Now, he's a champ!

The other day they were my little green good luck charms.

Eden drew an amazing replica of a balloon!

The other night this good lookin' couple went to a dance together. My baby-sitter dressed me. I have no sense of style really anymore. Well, I think I have a sense of style...but my closet doesn't. Luckily she was able to put a fun number together for me. I loved the sunglasses...very high school chic. ;-)

While I did my make-up...Eden worked on her own.
I went garage sale-ing for my birthday yesterday...I found some good finds. One of my favorites? this...a cheese slicer. I had one of these growing up. It was one of my favorite play-dough tools.
And today I may finally finally get my armoire!! I am sooo excited! (yes, it's sunday..but it's the only day that'll work for every party the weather looks very very hopeful. And lately it has been much less than hopeful.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Just in case

Just incase, you love that laundry room just as much as I do, and you live in Hawaii... Here is an awesome hutch that would be perfect for $125.

Solving decorating DIY's

I found some fun ideas on today. 9 ways to make-over a book case (or armoire or what have you.) Fun and cute least I thought so! I posted a few of my faves...but you have to see the rest!

Entertainment center make-over...genious!!!

She's sometimes Sassy, Sometimes Sweet

I just wanted to post these quickly before I forget.


Exhibit A
At this moment Eden is playing outside with her brother. And she saw a bird poop in our yard.

Eden: "Mom! Mom! The bird pooped"
Me: "Where?" (I wanted to make sure Tex wasn't going to try and eat it)
Eden pointing: "Over there! Bird! Don't POOP in my yard. Me and my doggy are going to walk over there!!! YUCK!!"

And the other night - Exhibit B
Jonathon had just gotten home from work. It had been one of "those" afternoons. I was ready to get out of the house.

I threw on my running attire and headed for the door. As I was walking out I said, "See ya soon family. When I return, I will be a new woman!"

To which Eden replied, "You are going to be a new woman? Who are you going to be?" Then with her voice getting shaky, "I don't want you to be a new woman. I want you to still be my mommy."

"Oh Eden sweety. I will always always be your mommy. I am just going to come back a happier mommy." She was still a little concerned, but let me go anyway.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

This is the way we Celebrate, Celebrate, Celebrate!!

We had a great day celebrating Tex's birthday. I of course took a million photos. So, if you want to see 'em click the links. We decided to just spend the day as a family, enjoying each others company, and doing things that Tex would enjoy.

The morning
In the morning before we left, Tex enjoyed a ecard for breakfast, and Eden made herself a delicious sandwich! And what else would a 2 year old put on a sandwich besides: Peanut butter, frosting, and sprinkles? Mom made her add bananas. ;-)

Our Faux family dog
It was fun having a "faux family dog" for a few hours at the humaine society. Jonathon had a great idea to take the kids down. Both kids LOVE animals. If we could have a dog at our place...We totally would have taken this one home. He was so sweet and the perfect mix of playful yet relaxed. And he was excelent with the kids especially patient with Tex's crazy way arms! ;-) I think I was his favorite. Whenever he needed a break, he ran over to sit on my lap. It was so cute. His name was Astro, but Eden called him "Osco". We deicded we really like that name, so we'll probably use it when we finally do get our family dog.

Photo Shoot with Mamma
Also, while there, Eden went to the Kitty room to play with the kitties with her Dad. I took her into the cat room a few moments before, and sadly she was attacked by one of the cats. She got a pretty bad scratch on her leg. But, in true Eden fashion...she was back in that kitty room as soon as her band aid was on.
While they were in the kitty room, Tex and I enjoyed the outdoors and had a little birthday photo shoot!

After, we headed out for lunch and a treat. And what better place to get delicious junk food...but Costco!!! When we arrived Tex was sleeping in the back, so we let him snooze a bit.

Cake at Chuck E Cheese
We decided to let the kids have a good time at Chuck E Cheese with the Birthday money from G-ma and G-pa. Before going there, we spent a good 2 hours driving around trying to find shoes that would fit Tex's chubby feet. So, we thought they deserved somewhere fun to get their wiggles out! Eden pretty much thinks that Chuck E is the Super Star of all super stars. Tex had a good time meeting him too. Eden also ran up to all the other singing characters to say hi, give them hugs and kisses. It was funny because she would walk to one after the other and say, "Hi! You don't talk too?" It was fun watching Tex eat his cake. He didn't dive into it like I thought he was going to. He approached it much more cautiously. I don't think he ever even touched it with his own hands. He just ate it out of mine...literally. It was pretty cute. Definitely was a good time!!

And that was our day!! Check back later for our at home party that we held Sunday! ;-)

Feeling Sentimental

The other night, as I was getting Eden ready in her jammies...the thought crossed my mind, "I probably don't have very many more evenings where I will be dressing Eden in her jammies. Soon enough, she'll be doing it all herself." And when I realized this, I think I spent 5 times the "normal" amount of time it usually takes to get her ready. I didn't rush like I usually do so I can GET THE KIDS DOWN~! Instead, I let her squirm more. I let her be silly more. I just enjoyed the moment...that will soon be gone from us.

Free swimming at Gunstock

I got this email in my inbox this morning. I would sign Eden up...but she is 3 weeks shy of 3 years old.

But, I thought some of you might have fun here with your kiddos.

Here is the email...........

Need some fun swimming time for your keiki during spring break? I am looking for keiki between the ages of 3 and 10 on Tues March 16 and the 18th between 2:00 and 3:00pm.
I teach a college class out of BYUH (EXS 265 WSI) where we train swim instructors. These college students need opportunities to practice the skills they are learning on children.
If you are free and willing to let my students practice these skills with your children......please bring them to the Gunstock Aquatics pool on Gunstock Tues or Thurs, or both days, between 2:00 and 3:00pm. Have your kids ready to swim. Thank you for your help in helping me teach our future swim instructors.
Please pass the word along to your friends. All Keiki between 3 and 10 are welcome.
Kyndra Smith

Unfortunately, I'm retarted

So. I have been scouring Craigslist for the perfect little Armoire for my happy little home. And I found this one weeks ago...fell in love. But they were asking WAY more than I could afford.

Last night, it appears online again for a bit less. I email an offer...they say "YES!"

I measure the van. It should fit perfectly. I send Jonathon in the van while I stay home all evening with poor Eden who happens to be throwing up every 15 minutes.

He calls an hour and a half later. "Did you get it?" I ask.

" doesn't fit"

I guess I measured wrong? Like I said...unfortunately, I'm retarted. Oh...and did I mention I made him drive all the way to Hawaii Kai? Oooops, bad wifing. Sorry sweety.

Good news is that she will hold it for me. Now, just gotta find a truck. Or, someone who can drive me down in their truck. Bummer.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Coming the mail-box near me!!!

I am so excited. My poor little guy has needed some shoes for MONTHS. He has had the most scraped up poor little feet. And his mother is a cheapskate who wouldn't fork over the dough to buy him some decent shoes. (Plus his feet are so dang chubby, I didn't know what size to order online)

But, luckily for me he was given some birthday money. And I knew right away what to spend it on.

These little Joey's!! It only took me about 3 hours of searching online to find him the perfect ones...and I'm pretty excited. Jonathon was teasing me that I should have just gotten a job for 3 hours and then I would have been able to buy him each of the 10 pairs I was deciding between. ;-) I can't wait to see him running around in these!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

ONE is Such FUN!!!

I can't believe my little boy is turning 1 tomorrow. I know I've said it a billion and a half times....but where does the time go? Seriously!!

Today I received a Happy Birthday Card for Tex. And reading it got me all choked up. The words inside touched my heart and made me realize the momentous day we will be celebrating as a family tomorrow. I have truly been blessed to be able to spend each and every day of the last 12 months loving both my kids. And tomorrow we will celebrate the blessing that has made the past 12 months of our lives so full, so busy and crazy, sometimes stressful and sleepless, yet so joyful and precious, so creative, so amazing, so fun, so giggly, so unforgettable.
As was written in the card...It really has been
"A whole year precious."

"A whole year fun."

"A whole year loved."

Horray- you're one!!!

Happy Birthday, my sweet adoreable son!!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Don't you just LOVE clever people???

I have been working on my re-decorating. And one thing I want in my house is a storage bench, that can double as seating.
I've been searching Craigslist...and found this clever idea. This lady made a bench out of a set of 18" cabinets!
I kind of feel bad stealing her idea...and not buying the bench that she made. But, it's over my budget. So, maybe I can try and make myself one like it. So cute huh?

I just thought I'd share the idea with case your space needs more seating and more storage too. ;-)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy Birthday To YOU!!!!

Yes my dear Sister (who hasn't accepted their invitation to my private blog yet)...I am talking to you. You know, next year we can turn 29 together. And we can turn 29 together the year after that...and the year after that...and the one after that.......

Love you! You are still my best friend. Remember this? I saved up my allowence and bought it for you when we moved to Colorado. I'm pretty sure I thought it was real gold. ;-) Though I don't have the actual necklace anymore, you still hold the same place in my heart...and I still miss you. And you still are my best friend.

Want to go to the zoo???

I mean... Savers then maybe the Salvation Army and dumpster diving and then the zoo? Poor Eden. I think I tricked her yesterday. I told her we were going to the zoo. But, somehow my car ended up parked in front of Savers for nearly 2 hours. I am a torturous mother...I know.

While wandering through the isles, Eden is trailing behind me. Then in a nasty voice I hear, "Move out of my way!" Yes, it was my own Eden's nasty voice...shouting at some man in the isle. I made her apologize to the poor guy, and say more politely, "Excuse me please." Embarrassing...

I really wish I had taken a photo of my 2 kids tearing apart my wallet like there was no tomorrow while we 3 were huddled in the small 3x3 dressing room...waiting for me to try the stuff on that I didn't end up buying anyway (cause I swear I'm going to lose 10 lbs.) The wallet kept them well entertained and away from escaping out the space under the door while I was half dressed.

Finally, on to the zoo. However, 5 blocks away from Savers Eden shouts, "I need to go potty!!"

"Can you hold it?" I ask. "Noooooo..." And she starts crying. I pull over at the first spot I see...which just so happens to be in front of an officers car. He is a stones throw away from us directing traffic.
I question in my mind if it's legal for kids to pee in public. (Seriously, what do you do in the middle of down town with a kid whose gotta go...and another toddler in a carseat?) She does her business, away we go.
Back in the car, Eden starts shouting again, "Move out of my way!" I turn around and say, "No, we don't say that. That is rude. Say it nicely please." To which she responds in a sweet and high candy coated voice, "Move out of my way!" Oooooh...the funny things that come out of her mouth.
Then, as we are driving down the road...I spy a pile of trash waiting for the dump. It looks like it has a cute side table. I pull the car over...unload both kids. We walk over to take a look. The table is in un-usable condition. But, I did score an awesome princess couch. You'll see photos later. I cut the cover off...discarded the nasty couch. Washed it in detergent and bleach...came out good as new!! I'm so excited.
And finally, 4 hours after the time we left our house...we made it to the zoo!

Here she is telling the monkeys to get down. That it's too dangerous to be up so high.

She had a hard time leaving the goats. "Eden, it's time to go."
"I can't go mom. They are my friends, and I love them."

Tex was pretty excited...definately needs to learn how to be gentle. ;-) Luckily this goat was patient.
Looking at a llamma

Llama's point of view... ;-)
We learned that these aren't turtles...they are tortoises....but you probably already knew that.

She was so busy monkey-ing around on the Elephant statue...she didn't even notice the real ones for about 5 minutes. Tex is always entertained by birds. It's so cute.

Then, she finally saw the real elephants and shouted, "ELEPHANTS!!!!" And ran as quickly as her skinny legs could carry her, while wearing shoes that are 2 sizes to large.

It was a fun day together. And they slept the ENTIRE way the 20 minutes we sat out front of Dad's office waiting for him to come out. They were sure tired. Good job zoo!