Monday, March 8, 2010

I finally made a dress!!!!

I've been saying (in my head) for years (2 whole years)..."I wanna sew a dress for Eden."

I even started a dress, twice. Two different dresses. Neither of them were ever finished.

But, last night was the night that magic happened for me. I was energized. I'd napped from 8pm-10pm. I was excited, and inspired, and ready to get to work.

Usually when I start a sewing project it ALWAYS takes 3 times longer than anticipated. But, last night...somehow my 2 hour dress, actually took 2 hours! (plus 45 minutes this morning to finish up the finishing touches and have Eden try it on for good measure)

I still need to sew in a zipper since it's a little to tight to slip over her head. I've never done this before, but I'm looking forward to the challenge! Plus I kinda wanna change the sleeves. But I LOVE IT! And so does she. She didn't want to take it off today. That made me feel good. (Which means I couldn't get her to stand still long enough to take a decent photo.)

So, the zipper and sleeves will also probably take another 60 minutes. Which means that my 2 hour dress will have actually taken 3.75 hours. But hey! It's not 6 right??

Oh, and where did I get this pattern/idea for this super cute twirly dress? I patterned it after a dress my siste gave Eden last year for her birthday/Easter! She was starting to outgrow it, so I just cut everything a tad bigger...and it worked!


  1. Matti...that is darling! Love the colors. I am very impressed, great job;-)

  2. So cute!! You did a great job!

  3. That dress is so cute! Sewing clothes is a little intimidating to me. I don't think I'm quite ready yet.
