Sunday, March 21, 2010

A little update on the day to day...

This boy....walks...and walks and walks.

It was pretty cute. A few weeks ago we had happy school at our house. He watched the kids running around in amazement. He tried his little darndest to be like them. He'd take 3 steps, fall, and get right back up again...all day long. Now, he's a champ!

The other day they were my little green good luck charms.

Eden drew an amazing replica of a balloon!

The other night this good lookin' couple went to a dance together. My baby-sitter dressed me. I have no sense of style really anymore. Well, I think I have a sense of style...but my closet doesn't. Luckily she was able to put a fun number together for me. I loved the sunglasses...very high school chic. ;-)

While I did my make-up...Eden worked on her own.
I went garage sale-ing for my birthday yesterday...I found some good finds. One of my favorites? this...a cheese slicer. I had one of these growing up. It was one of my favorite play-dough tools.
And today I may finally finally get my armoire!! I am sooo excited! (yes, it's sunday..but it's the only day that'll work for every party the weather looks very very hopeful. And lately it has been much less than hopeful.


  1. So fun to see Tex excited about his mobility;-) Cute stuff as usual! Love and miss you guys...

  2. birthday!!! what are we gonna do for your birthday?? something fun. this week. my parents come soon but we gotta celebrate matild!!

  3. love your dance ensemble and eden's makeup!!!

  4. Happy Birthday Matti!!!!!!

    You look absolutely gorgeous! I love your kids and wished we could get together for a playdate! It would be so fun to watch Tex and Ave together. Avery would probably follow Eden around like a little puppy dog.

    Can't wait to see your armoire!
