Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Aaaah...the Dentist

It actually wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

Eden will be 3 in April. Technically I think you are supposed to take your child to the dentist a little after they turn 1. I have been a little apprehensive, so I have been putting it off...and just hoping for the best.

But, a friend of mine suggested her dentist and said she was great with kids sooo... We gave it a go!
I called yesterday thinking that I would have to schedule about 2 or so weeks in advance. The lady said, "How about tomorrow at 11:30?"

"Wow! Tomorrow? Um, okay...sounds great! See you then."

I was a little worried wondering how I would handle 2 kids at the dentist. I imagined one kid screaming on my hip with the other screaming in the dentist chair crying, "I wanna go home! I wanna go home! I don't wanna open my mouth!!!"
Instead it went a little more like this.

Drive 55 minutes to Kailua
Park at McDonalds
Let Eden play on playplace for 5 minutes
Order a ketchup or onions
Walk across street to Dentist
She looked so grown up walking down the street holding her sparkly purse in one hand cheese burger in the other. She looked ready to take on the town...very Mary Tyler Moore.

So, we went into the Dentist office. Eden was pretty excited about the whole dentist idea. We talked about it the night before: special toothbrush, bubble gum toothpaste, sucky thing so your don't have to spit. She had it all down.

We walked into the waiting room to find a million toys just waiting to be played with. The kids entertained themselves pretty good. Tex dumped out the bucket of McDonald type playballs a good 3 times.

anyway, it was finally Eden's turn. The hygienist had Eden sit on her lap facing her, then lay her head down on the dentist lap. Eden cried...she was pretty worried. But she held herself together pretty well. I was proud of her. The dentist said, "Open and say aah". And through Eden's tears she'd still open and say "aaah". It was pretty cute and sad at the same time.

But, it was over in 5 minutes! It went by pretty quick. And the official report: NO CAVITIES!!! So, all those nights of brushing her teeth paid off.

6 months from'll be Eden's turn again. But this time, she'll be mentoring little brother Tex. And I think she'll do great!

I didn't get any fun photos of the waiting room. But here she is after, sporting her Hannah Montana sticker. I couldn't get her to take her eyes off the T.V.

After, we headed to Ross to pick out a special surprise. Eden picked her favorite kitchen set out of the 6 there were to choose from. And she played with it ALL afternoon. Making everyone hamburgers, french fry sandwiches, and hot dogs, with celery juice, a little sugar, some ketchup and know, the good stuff! And here is the whole experience in Eden's own words...

My favorite part is when she talks about the toys at the office. "There was only Sully. Sorry, there wasn't the green one" (She was talking about Monsters Inc.) A big blue stuffed animal of Sully was there...and Eden just so happens to love this movie.


  1. It is so fun to be able to be a part of such an important milestone;-) Thanks for keeping me in the "loop"! Sure miss you guys!!!

  2. that was too cute!! she is a talker these days!!
    LOVE it.

  3. that video was kind of the cutest thing ever! i cant believe how behind i got on your blog, but catching up sure has been a treat. i pretty much just want to pinch eden's cheeks right about now she is so grown up and cute and funny!
