Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My own personal email from a loving Heavenly Father

I signed up for LDS daily gems once. Now I get a daily email in my inbox of an inspirational quote. Usually they are uplifting thoughts. But sometimes, they are so right on the money and a straightforward answer to the prayer I uttered in my heart last night. It feels like a personal email from my Heavenly Father saying, "Look here! I've already told you about this! I know it will help you. Trust me, and give it a try."

My anxiety lately (caused by a hormonal imballance since I quit happened when I quit nursing Eden too) has been pretty overwhealming lately. So, this mornings answer was rather fitting.

"Work is an antidote for anxiety, an ointment for sorrow, and a doorway to possibility. Whatever our circumstances in life, my dear brethren, let us do the best we can and cultivate a reputation for excellence in all that we do. Let us set our minds and bodies to the glorious opportunity for work that each new day presents."

I sometimes tell myself it's too hard to "work" with my 2 little ones running around, and I feel like I have a list of a million things to do. I give myself an excuse to sit in front of the computer too much, eat chocolate too much, ignore dishes and laundry too much, blog too much, do nothing too much. Some of the projects I want to work on might be to challenging to do with kids around. But, I should at least give them a try. My kids are actually pretty good. And Eden really is pretty helpful. So, today that is my goal. I'm shutting off this computer (after I workout) and getting to WORK! I'll tell you if it helps. And I'll take photos of my accomplishments. Actually, this is my goal for the week, and I'll tell you how I feel next time you hear from me.


  1. I know you will be too busy working to read this, but I just read the same "email" on my computer and agree. Good luck Sweetheart. I think you are on the right track. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Thank you for that Matti! I needed to hear that today!
