Thursday, February 25, 2010

Back Post #384

What I meant when I said, "No more blogging" was I can't read others blogs for hours on end...unless my work is done. One of the things on my to-do list is post about Christmas before I start forgetting stuff. So, this doesn't count under my "No more blogging" pledge. ;-)

With that said, let's see what photo #384 for is...


This was a really fun "bonus" that we got to do while in Califoria. We only intended on hitting up Disneyland. But, Jonathon's Aunt had these little beauties!

And since their family has season passes there, we got in FREE! (Saving us $67 a person) It was so outrageously expensive, we wouldn't have gone anyway. But, we are so glad that we were able to go with Jonathon's family and have a great time with them. I have a lot of photos from here, so I tried to stay with the theme of photo 384, where we posed in front of some lego statues. They were amazing.

(This wasn't a statue, he was at the front of the amusement park...but I like the photo)

Like my hat? Jonathon's family is very into Christmas T-shirts and hats. When we showed up at their house and they were all dressed up, I had to get in on their fun.


  1. looks like fun!!!
    malik would be in heaven!!

  2. Fun... I think Deja and Chance would love Lego Land.
