Thursday, February 18, 2010

Of course, I should be working out...

But, there is still so much to post about. Since I have a million and 1 super fun photos from my 6 week trip to the mainland, I thought I might try something a little fun and different to try and catch up.
Each Tuesday and Thursday I'll pick a number at random, and post that photo (or the best one 5 photos forward or back) from my computer. If there happens to be a story, I'll fill you in. ;-)

First #814: The ornament she made at her Na Kamalei Pre-school. She loved gluing more and more googly eyes on it. It was pretty cute.

5 forward,
Okay, these photos just happen to be from when we returned.
My brother found the kids the funnest toy! A little hamster. He travels around and around our little place most every day of the week. The kids love to chase him around our house. Whenever he runs into something he spins around and heads a different direction. Thanks Miah, Rachel, Deja, and Chance for the present...they love it!!!!! (especially now, since it is there only pet. Sadly enough, we had to let our rats Zoe, and Bella go to another home...since our landlord didn't want ANY pets...even if they live outside)

and 5 back.

Grandma Parker...Eden LOVES her princesses. They go just about everywhere with her. She is actually pretty good about sharing them with Tex, which is suprising because she loves her princesses SOO much. I loved how she lined them up in front of her dollhouse the day we got back from our trip. (she is really into making lines must be something to do with school)

And here she is getting ready for bed. Gangs all here!!