Monday, February 22, 2010

Just for my record...

This morning Tex signed a new sign! "More" Technically you are supposed to tap your finger tips together.

But, this morning as I was lying on the couch eating my oatmeal, he crawled right up to me and showed me his attempt at the "more" sign, which was pretty similar to clapping. But it was sooo adoreable. He learned "milk" a few weeks ago...which I forgot to mention. It's just so fun when your baby starts to communicate with you. Their face lights up because they know that they were able to say something that you understood. I loved it! Soon, I am hoping he'll catch onto "please". Oh ya, and he points now too, which is so cute! (Basically the boy doesn't do much that isn't cute. Except get in that one darn kitchen cupboard that drives me CRAZY. Even his tantrums he throws on the floor are pretty cute when he squinches his face up like so.

Speaking of milk. Did you forget we were talking about milk a moment ago? We were. I got side tract. So, speaking of milk... we are finished weaning! Time to buy new bras...yay!!! And Tex is loving his bottle. I'm not sure how to wean him off that when the time comes, but I don't think it'll be too difficult. I don't think he's too attached to it. We'll see.


  1. Looking more and more like a toddler. He sure is growing up!

  2. Congrats on being done nursing!!! I am giving myself two weeks, then I am done pumping! I am gradually switching to whole milk too. Any tips? Yoiu seem to always give such great advice.

    He is such a handsome little guy!!! Have fun bra shopping.

    Oh, and I am loving that he is signing. I am trying...but to no avail, yet.

  3. get him one of the no spill sippy cups. I never gave Jessie a bottle...we went right to the sippy cup and she loves it! I had to wean her at 9 months cause I ran out of milk.

  4. I love the idea of teaching babies how to sign. You are such a amazing mom. Good Job!
