Sunday, February 28, 2010

For a good laugh

If I could keep a straight face long enough this would be pretty fun to try sometime. ;-)

"Hey Sis! Do you got your floaties on?"

"Hey Sis! Do you got your floaties on?" My brother asked on my cell this morning as I roamed with the kids around "higher ground"...waiting for 11:05 to come.

The tsunami generated by the earthquake in Chile was scheduled to hit the Big Island around 11. From there we might know better what to expect in Oahu.

Luckily it was nothing. But we were prepared for the worst. A little after 5 this morning, my friend's husband came to wake and warn us. I guess several others had already made attempts thoughtout the night. Our neighbors knocked on our door around 3AM, a few family members called and texted to check in on us...but we were knocked out sleeping peacefully in our room.

We threw together as much food storage and clothes and water that we thought we might need (yes, I really packed Eden's floaty suit). Put the computer in the highest part of the house, gathered more stuff, grabbed the kids, and headed for the hills around 7am...and waited and waited for what turned out to be nothing...luckily. It could have been a whole lot worse, seeing how our house is 200 yards from the ocean.

But, in the meantime...we had a good time. Thanks to our wonderful friends accomodating us in their home. If it wasn't for them, the morning could have been a lot less enjoyable with no place to nap, relax, hang out, eat, play ball, play duets on the piano, watch tv.

I don't feel like uploading the photos tonight. But they are on just click here. Enjoy! And I'm glad we are all safe and sound. Heading to bed now.

My friend posted a few photos of what the ocean actually did on her blog. She had a nice view from the mountain behind her house. See 'em here

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Back Post #384

What I meant when I said, "No more blogging" was I can't read others blogs for hours on end...unless my work is done. One of the things on my to-do list is post about Christmas before I start forgetting stuff. So, this doesn't count under my "No more blogging" pledge. ;-)

With that said, let's see what photo #384 for is...


This was a really fun "bonus" that we got to do while in Califoria. We only intended on hitting up Disneyland. But, Jonathon's Aunt had these little beauties!

And since their family has season passes there, we got in FREE! (Saving us $67 a person) It was so outrageously expensive, we wouldn't have gone anyway. But, we are so glad that we were able to go with Jonathon's family and have a great time with them. I have a lot of photos from here, so I tried to stay with the theme of photo 384, where we posed in front of some lego statues. They were amazing.

(This wasn't a statue, he was at the front of the amusement park...but I like the photo)

Like my hat? Jonathon's family is very into Christmas T-shirts and hats. When we showed up at their house and they were all dressed up, I had to get in on their fun.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I know...I know

I know, I said I wasn't going to blog anymore. Sue me. ;-) But, I bet you will thank me actually.
Because, I just feel so blessed to have THE MOST AMAZING food storage coordinator in my ward. She is so amazingly helpful, and I just can't help but pass on the knowledge that she shared with me to you.

If you are struggling with your food storage like me

There are 9 sections. Start at number 1 and work your way up.

Her "booklet" is posted on her blog. Click And you can print it from there if you like.

I have just found this SOOO amazingly helpful. I have been trying to start a food storage for months. And every time I go to the store I buy a little this and a little that. Now, I just have a bunch of food that I don't really want to eat, unless we were starving. Not anymore. ;-)

And, she talks about solar ovens. I found a blog about that if you are interested. I kinda wanna buy one. When I have a spare $250. Click here if you wanna see that too.

Now, let's get storing!!!

I also have some great recipes for dried beans, and a whole lotta info on sprouting wheat and using your stored wheat. If you want in on some of my knowledge, let me know! Kids are up. Gotta run!

My own personal email from a loving Heavenly Father

I signed up for LDS daily gems once. Now I get a daily email in my inbox of an inspirational quote. Usually they are uplifting thoughts. But sometimes, they are so right on the money and a straightforward answer to the prayer I uttered in my heart last night. It feels like a personal email from my Heavenly Father saying, "Look here! I've already told you about this! I know it will help you. Trust me, and give it a try."

My anxiety lately (caused by a hormonal imballance since I quit happened when I quit nursing Eden too) has been pretty overwhealming lately. So, this mornings answer was rather fitting.

"Work is an antidote for anxiety, an ointment for sorrow, and a doorway to possibility. Whatever our circumstances in life, my dear brethren, let us do the best we can and cultivate a reputation for excellence in all that we do. Let us set our minds and bodies to the glorious opportunity for work that each new day presents."

I sometimes tell myself it's too hard to "work" with my 2 little ones running around, and I feel like I have a list of a million things to do. I give myself an excuse to sit in front of the computer too much, eat chocolate too much, ignore dishes and laundry too much, blog too much, do nothing too much. Some of the projects I want to work on might be to challenging to do with kids around. But, I should at least give them a try. My kids are actually pretty good. And Eden really is pretty helpful. So, today that is my goal. I'm shutting off this computer (after I workout) and getting to WORK! I'll tell you if it helps. And I'll take photos of my accomplishments. Actually, this is my goal for the week, and I'll tell you how I feel next time you hear from me.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Tuesday's Back-Post Photo #25


The kids loved playing with Great Grandma Parker's vintage set of Tinker-Toys! If we were at Grandma's you can pretty much bet we were making something. Flowers, suckers, cars...

(Actual #25...not the best photo...but here you go.)

Other things the kids enjoyed playing with at Grandma's

These glass stones, Grandma had decorated around the manger scene with them...couldn't keep Eden away from them. ;-)

and the kitty cat...which strangely I can't remember his/her name. And if you know Eden, it's not suprising. This cat was SOOOOO mellow. Eden drug the poor thing all around the house, and it just let her.

How My Extra-Special Helper Totally Impressed Me

So, you would think that my little Eden isn't very strong. Tough? Yes. Strong...hmmm. She's pretty petite. It's pretty funny actually. If you tell her she's small she'll say, "No, I'm big" and if you say, "Eden your tall" she'll usually respond with "No, I little". And ever so randomly during the day she may run up to you and say, "Mommy, I so tall huh?" But, that is not the point of this post. It's just something I want to remember.

Below you'll learn why I was impressed...
Today, I was dying for a change in my bedroom. I just wasn't digging it's current layout. So, while Tex was taking his morning nap and Eden was watching her princess sing along DVD, I began tearing my room apart. And I mean apart. I pretty much emptied it out from top to bottom and dumped it's contents in my living room. I hoped to finish before Tex was up.

Anyway, I took EVERYTHING out. Except the bed. I needed to turn the bed the opposite direction. But, since my room is so small, you can't just twist it. It needs to be taken apart. I lifted the super heavy mattresses off the frame and leaned them against the wall. The matresses kept falling over, unless I held them in place. But, I couldn't hold them while trying to turn the bed frame. So, I called in Eden-my extra special helper. I asked her to hold the mattresses against the wall (matress AND box spring). My tiny 2 year old. She pushed and pushed against those mattresses with all her might. It really was amazing. Then she helped me lower and lift them onto the frame. It was awesome. I really couldn't have done it without her.

And when we were done moving the furniture, we jumped around on my bed and ate chocolate to celebrate till Tex woke up. Then headed to the store for an icecream treat!

I think I thanked her 20 times today for the amazing job she did. And she was so proud of herself. Even when Jonathon came home today and saw how the room was different he said, "Whoa! How did you do this?" I can't believe what an amazing girl she is. Not just because of her strength and her determination to do things that some might find impossible (like climb a 10 foot tall chain link fence...yes she did that at the playground today). But, she is also one of the kindest most gentle and tender hearted people I know. She is always looking out for others, and wants to help everyone be happy. And I can't believe she's mine. I feel so lucky! I love you so much my little Eden monkey girl!!!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Just for my record...

This morning Tex signed a new sign! "More" Technically you are supposed to tap your finger tips together.

But, this morning as I was lying on the couch eating my oatmeal, he crawled right up to me and showed me his attempt at the "more" sign, which was pretty similar to clapping. But it was sooo adoreable. He learned "milk" a few weeks ago...which I forgot to mention. It's just so fun when your baby starts to communicate with you. Their face lights up because they know that they were able to say something that you understood. I loved it! Soon, I am hoping he'll catch onto "please". Oh ya, and he points now too, which is so cute! (Basically the boy doesn't do much that isn't cute. Except get in that one darn kitchen cupboard that drives me CRAZY. Even his tantrums he throws on the floor are pretty cute when he squinches his face up like so.

Speaking of milk. Did you forget we were talking about milk a moment ago? We were. I got side tract. So, speaking of milk... we are finished weaning! Time to buy new bras...yay!!! And Tex is loving his bottle. I'm not sure how to wean him off that when the time comes, but I don't think it'll be too difficult. I don't think he's too attached to it. We'll see.

Talented guy plays with his balls on the piano

Hahaha, I know you all are dying to see this now.
(get your minds out of the I'd post something more inappropriate than toilet training mishaps)

Being a pianist myself, I was quite impressed. It's hard enough to play the piano this well with your fingers....let alone your balls. ;-) Enjoy!

Pretty much am planning to recreate this living room

I am IN LOVE with the "office". This is totally what I need to do with the multi-purpose room in my house. Living room/workout room/office/toy room.

See what great ideas you can find in this room for your small space! (Thanks Steph for pointing me to this those pelmet boxes too!)

CLICK HERE to view Jordan's living room. I'm headed to Craigslist now to find me something for my new office.

Okay, So far I have found this one. Only $60

I also like this one Only $45 (maybe even better) Could be really fun with some paint (Sorry cherry wood lovers)...but where is Ford Island?

And this one is $150...I offered them less. We'll see what they say! ;-)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A fun website

Hey Mom's. I found a fun website today. It has some cute ideas to do with your kids. One of my favorites is this. Banana Hotdog.

The website is called

It had lots of fun ideas for crafts, and other easy kid friendly recipes, and activities.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thank goodness for retail therapy...

We had a good time shopping yesterday. We hit up Wal-Mart with our gift certificates from Christmas, Target for their 50-75% off valentine candy sale, and Goodwill in search of a Princess blanket for Eden's bed. I was going to make her a cute princess quilt, but by the time I bought all the materials it would cost about $20, and then by the time I finished putting it together, she would probably be out of her princess stage (ha! ya right).

But, we did find Goodwill in Pearl City, and for $3.99 found the perfect princess blanky. And it's now lying happily on a little girls pink bed. And guess what? Last night was the fist night in MONTHS that she has slept in her own room all night long.

I'll post pics of our goodies soon. But in the meantime, I thought we looked pretty funny walking out of Goodwill yesterday, so I had to snap a photo. Tex was sleeping in his car seat when we got to the store. I felt bad waking him since it was his 1st nap of the day and it was 4:30pm. Eden was pretty tired too, so I put her in the umbrella stroller, attached Tex's carseat to the handle bar on the side. While shopping, we found a cute toy shopping cart for Eden, so she is pushing that with all our goodies inside, while I push her...walking through the parking lot. We made quite the train.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Thankful for diaper rashes...

Dear Tex,

I'm glad you woke up last night at 3 in the morning, crying out for me. It really made me happy to know that you knew you could cry, and that I would come help you.

I'm happy that I was the one who was able to change your diaper, so that the rash on your poor bum wasn't bothering you anymore.

And I'm happy that I wasn't in a rush to run back to my own bed. I'm glad that we were able to lay together for a while, snuggling and watching each other. For a moment it seemed like time stood still, and I could keep you as my baby forever.

I'm glad that you are mine. I'm glad you woke me up.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Of course, I should be working out...

But, there is still so much to post about. Since I have a million and 1 super fun photos from my 6 week trip to the mainland, I thought I might try something a little fun and different to try and catch up.
Each Tuesday and Thursday I'll pick a number at random, and post that photo (or the best one 5 photos forward or back) from my computer. If there happens to be a story, I'll fill you in. ;-)

First #814: The ornament she made at her Na Kamalei Pre-school. She loved gluing more and more googly eyes on it. It was pretty cute.

5 forward,
Okay, these photos just happen to be from when we returned.
My brother found the kids the funnest toy! A little hamster. He travels around and around our little place most every day of the week. The kids love to chase him around our house. Whenever he runs into something he spins around and heads a different direction. Thanks Miah, Rachel, Deja, and Chance for the present...they love it!!!!! (especially now, since it is there only pet. Sadly enough, we had to let our rats Zoe, and Bella go to another home...since our landlord didn't want ANY pets...even if they live outside)

and 5 back.

Grandma Parker...Eden LOVES her princesses. They go just about everywhere with her. She is actually pretty good about sharing them with Tex, which is suprising because she loves her princesses SOO much. I loved how she lined them up in front of her dollhouse the day we got back from our trip. (she is really into making lines must be something to do with school)

And here she is getting ready for bed. Gangs all here!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Cannot believe how the time flies...

Tonight, I was looking at a few old photos and came across this. It just makes me wonder...where does the time go? And just look at all that chub, it just makes me smile.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

What a BEAUTIFUL day...

I hope you don't mind... but I think this post goes well with the song I have playing at the, I'm not going to change my music just yet.
Today truly was a Lazy Amazing Day.
We got in the car, with no particular place to go. We had swim suits, Costco coupons, change of clothes, snacks...but no plan.
First stop was a garage sale. I'm so lucky that Jonathon allows me to indulge (very often) and follow random Garage Sale signs.
1st sale Eden and I walked away with a copy of 1 Fish 2 Fish Red Fish Blue Fish and a new Peter Cotton Tail crib sheet

a few blocks further down the road was a HUGE rummage sale at a local church. About 90 minutes later we were loading the car up with $14 worth of our new loot...which included

A new toddler car seat for Tex
A lot of outfits for both kids (25 cents a piece)
a new shirt for me (mustard color)
some curling ribbon for all the b-day parties we have coming up
A high chair/booster
A blender for $1
A paint set for Eden complete with paint roller, paint brushes, paint, and finger brushes...I am sure you will soon be seeing a post solely devoted to this new paint set.

After that? A stop at Down to Earth (Natural foods store)
I've been wanting to start sprouting (ie: alfalfa sprouts, sprouted wheat, sunflowers, etc) and grow some wheat grass. We got a few treats for the kids and 2 sprouting jars...I can't wait to get started!!

When we were loading up the car we noticed some pigeons in the parking lot and went over with the kids to feed them.

Eventually the birds became a little aggressive and started pecking at our we headed to the next stop.

Lanikai Juice for a smoothie bowl, and Taco Bell for a few Cheese Roll Ups for Eden.

On our way out of Kailua, I spotted an Open House sign and we decided to swing by. Jonathon stayed in the car with a sleeping Tex, while Eden and I went in and explored a 1300 sq feet 3 bed 2 bath with a rooftop balcony, condo...that we would never be able to afford. But, it was fun to dream for a moment. Eden loved the Koi at the entry of the complex.

And after that...onto the Makapuu lighthouse trail to watch a good 10 or more whales breaching, and slapping their fins and tails at the water waving at us.

Well, thanks for reading my lengthy post to this point. From here on out, I'll let my photos do the rest to explain this Lazy Amazing Day on Valentine weekend. BTW...thanks sweety, for choosing me to be your eternal Valentine and for showing me each day how much you love me and our family. Today was no exception.

(photos taken in succession -Jumpin off dad's shoulders)

(Another succession- Swinging down backwards behind Dadda)

And for her final trick...where did Dadda go?